• Bit by bit.

  • Progress! The concrete pad for the new pool technical room is complete.

  • Footing poured. 80 sacks of ready mix and one very long day. Sincere thanks to our wonderful neighbor for helping me with this. It would never have happened without him.

  • Almost ready for concrete

  • New bee hives! Now I just need to make them hornet proof before we invite new buzzy residents.

  • Yet another really good red.

  • Today I built a DIY water filter from scratch. And it works beautifully 😁

  • Scavenging flat stones from all of the ditches and junk piles around the property. This place is an Aladdin’s cave of salvage opportunities if you look carefully. This lovely pile of stones is going to be used to line the little basin we are creating to catch the waters from the spring.

  • This little spring is the reason for all the drainage work we have done

  • Here’s the wood for the concrete coffrage. A big thank you to Gert the lovely gentleman who runs the local lumber mill.

  • The piers have been dug and the ferrailles mounted in concrete.

  • Very nice wine this evening

  • And another little burn

  • Next we dig the piers for the terrace.

  • Next, the downstairs loo!

  • Tadaaa! Finished, finally.

  • This year’s sloe berry harvest is going to be epic?

  • It’s a good time of year for gathering medicinal herbs. So far I have a list of 58 medicinals I’ve found growing wild here… then of course there are my herb beds too. Not bad for a dilettante herbalist.

  • The new drain is almost closed up. Funny thing is.. they don’t call them French drains in France.😆

  • Mud mud glorious mud.

  • We have a spring by the pool that needs to be redirected. We hired a Minipell digger to cut the trench…. It is a super muddy task. The plan is to dry out the area, then extend the terrace by building a little retaining wall (75cm tall), and then backfilling.

  • First use of the gite courtyard since we installed lights and grew grass.

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